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Is Dating During a Divorce Risky?

It can be tempting to begin dating once you and your spouse have decided to file for divorce. After all, it's always comforting to have a third party there to support you through this challenging time. Although you and your partner may have already separated, the court still recognizes you as a couple. If you decide to pursue a relationship in the midst of a divorce, here are some issues that may arise and that you have to consider:
  • Risks in Court. Since Florida is a no-fault state, you can pursue a relationship before your divorce is finalized without being directly penalized in court. However, your new relationship may factor into either division of property or spousal support. Living with your new boyfriend or girlfriend may be factored into the judge's decision of how much spousal support is awarded to or from your former spouse. Even if you are not living with your new partner, the gifts they give you may still be considered when determining property division.
  • Emotional Turmoil. Beginning a new relationship before your divorce is finalized can take a toll on your former spouse. He or she may suspect you of cheating before the divorce process began, or they may be harder to negotiate with especially when trying to mediate. If your ex-spouse sees how quickly you were able to move on, they may become angry and fight more aggressively to try and ensure you don't get what you want.
  • Parental Responsibility Issues. Children have enough to deal with when it comes to their parents' divorce. They may not understand why mommy or daddy suddenly has a new friend they spend all their time with. Although courts do not normally take your children's wants into account, if you have an older child, they may be able to sway the judge's opinion if they don't like your new relationship or how quickly you have moved on.
  • Ask the Professionals for Guidance
    You can never be too careful when you are in the midst of a divorce. Having a team of skilled family law attorneys on your side can help you guide you throughout the divorce process. An experienced divorce attorney should answer the questions you have, discuss your options and your particular case to help you understand your options during the divorce process. A skilled lawyer may be an invaluable asset to protect your and your family interests.
  • Call the Roberts Family Law Firm in Orlando today! Our family law firm offers experienced, aggressive lawyers who will fight for your interests. Not only is our team full of seasoned professionals who will bring the best representation, but we also genuinely care about you and your case. To learn more, or set up an initial consultation, call us today at 407-426-6999. You can also visit our website at for more information about our family law firm in Orlando, Florida.
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